Sunday, June 29, 2014

Damn it!

How do you feel when something that you love/treasure the most is broken? Suck right? Yeah, it happens every now and then throughout our life. I just found out that my lovely CAR is scratched and dented! Arrrgghh!! How did it happen? I’m not sure when but I think it happened last week. How frustrating I was when I was washing my car and suddenly wallaa…sigh..

felt like a punch to my stomach...

I know it’s just a car but I just BOUGHT it! Hmmm…things happen for a reason. I don’t want to blame anyone but next time around, NOBODY is allowed to drive my car. Thank you!!

 p/s: Germany is going to win tomorrow morning. Sorry Algeria… Germany for World Cup!

FYI, my car is scratched and dented while my knee is crooked too...huh

Thursday, June 5, 2014

First class citizen??

No offense but me and Chef Wan speak the same language. We are in the same wavelength. It's just that I didn't have much time  to share my opinion but thankfully Chef Wan made it simple and straightforward...

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