Wednesday, December 15, 2010


With SPM coming to an end, the student must be in an over the moon phase. Yes, we all have gone through that phase years ago. I still remember my last day after my SPM where me and my friends went straight to cc(cyber café) playing computer games!hahahaha..Nowadays, the younger generation seems more interested having farewell party@fast food outlets. I wish I had such luxury back then..sigh.
One thing that never change is the stress of sitting for big exam. The thought of scoring good grades and excel in your favourite subject becomes your worst distraction during this period. I remember I used to think how’s my future going to be, will I continue to pursue my studies, what happens if I fail miserably in my exam and so on and so forth.. At 17 I guess that’s the year for you to decide your direction in life. By that time you have to know where you want to go and trust me, oftentimes, mature decision save the day!
Trying to get a good grade making us resorted to many unethical methods. Cheating is not possible since there will be someone watching over you. Have I ever cheated in exam? No. The sight of people cheating during exam makes me sick. Getting good grades by your own gives unparallel satisfaction especially when the question is tough. No pain, no gain! My message to all of you is be honest in everything you do and God will bless you with success. Nothing succeeds like success! J    
A good way to avoid cheaters!


  1. yo bro! good to see you in blogsphere! haha! should get some ads running in your blog to earn some $$ :D

    Anyway, gonna link you up!


  2. tq bro!scared that running some ads mite slow my blog..hepy holiday!

  3. suruh WTK belajar link supaya x makan $$ sekolah punya *_*


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