Monday, December 27, 2010

Talking ‘bout our education

I woke up from my hangoever(it’s been like three days of boozy night) today, took my shower and turned on my tv just in time to watch the latest news on tv. Wait, the government would add another skill in KSSR(Kurikulum Standard Sekolah Rendah) beginning 2011. Kemahiran menaakul(sorry I don’t know the suitable  word in English) is another skill introduce to primary 1 to primary 3. Instead of 3M(reading, writing, calculating) as we know it, they call it 4M. The reason is to teach the student to differentiate between the right and wrong, positive and negative, and basically teaching them the dos and don’ts. To me it’s a good move but it doesn’t make any sense since we have Moral subject in schools. Let’s see what our education system has produced thus far..

At least these students have some creativity…

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